iPhone 14 Mini Feel Ultra Lag Fix Config file

Lag Fix Config file: PUBG & BGMi is a very popular online battle royale game that can have speed problems because of lag. Delays, stutters, and stopping happen a lot during games, which can really ruin the experience for players.

BGMi & Pubg Lag Fix Config File

Config FileLag Fix Config File
VersionLatest Update 2.8.0
Safe100% Safe

To Apply Config File just Extract Zip and Copy Files Folder and Paste into Android/data/BGMi Or Pubg Folder/files

How to Use Bgmi Lag Fix Config File?

To use the Bgmi Lag Fix Config file, follow these steps:

  1. First of All, Download the Lag Fix config File From the Below Download Link
  2. Now Extract The Downloaded File Using Zarchiver App
  3. After That Copy Files Folder and Paste it into the Below path
  4. /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/BGMi Or Pubg Folder/files
  5. All Done, You have successfully applied Lag Fix Config File in Bgmi
  6. Restart your device and launch Bgmi.

Also Read: BGMi Auto Headshot Config File

Lag Fix Config File Features

  1. Supporting all devices
  2. 100% working
  3. Easy to use
  4. 60/90fps
  5. iPhone Aim Assist
  6. 100% Lag Fix
  7. Super Smooth Like Butter

What Causes Lag in PUBG?

Lag can stem from various sources, primarily linked to device configuration, network issues, and inadequate in-game settings. Your device’s hardware, network stability, and how the game is configured play pivotal roles in determining performance.

Device Configuration

Devices with lower RAM, older CPUs, or insufficient storage may struggle to run PUBG optimally. Incompatibility or outdated hardware can contribute to lag.

Network Issues

Instabilities in internet connections, high latency, or poor bandwidth can lead to lag in an online game like PUBG, disrupting smooth gameplay.

Game Settings

Inadequate in-game settings or settings not optimized for your device’s capabilities can cause performance issues.


In conclusion, addressing lag in PUBG through config files involves understanding the causes of lag, utilizing the right adjustments, and maintaining configurations. By doing so, players can significantly improve their gaming experience and performance.

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