2.8 Update BGMI Lag Fix Config File | Lag Fix PUBG & BGMI

BGMi Lag Fix Config File: The popular battle royale game BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India) received the highly anticipated 2.8 update recently.

While the update brings many new features and optimizations, some players have reported facing lag issues after updating to version 2.8. In this article, we will discuss the reasons for lag in BGMI and solutions to fix lag in the 2.8 update.

What is BGMi?

BGMI is essentially the Indian version of PUBG Mobile. Since its release in 2021, it has become one of the most popular mobile games in India with millions of active players. However, like any online multiplayer game, BGMI is also prone to lag due to issues like device performance, network connectivity etc. The latest 2.8 update was supposed to improve overall gameplay optimization but some players have experienced lag spikes and frame drops after updating.

BGMi Lag Fix Config File

Config FileLag Fix Config File
VersionLatest Update 2.8.0
Safe100% Safe

To Apply Config File just Extract Zip and Copy Files Folder and Paste into Android/data/BGMi Or Pubg Folder/files

How to Use Bgmi Lag Fix Config File?

To use the Bgmi Lag Fix Config file, follow these steps:

  1. First of All, Download the Lag Fix config File From the Below Download Link
  2. Now Extract The Downloaded File Using Zarchiver App
  3. After That Copy Files Folder and Paste it into the Below path
  4. /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/BGMi Or Pubg Folder/files
  5. All Done, You have successfully applied Lag Fix Config File in Bgmi
  6. Restart your device and launch Bgmi.

Also Read: BGMi Auto Headshot Config File

Lag Fix Config File Features

  1. Supporting all devices
  2. 100% working
  3. Easy to use
  4. 60/90fps
  5. iPhone Aim Assist
  6. 100% Lag Fix
  7. Super Smooth Like Butter

Reasons for Lag in BGMI

Here are some of the common reasons why you may face lag in BGMI:

Device Specifications

If you are using an older device with low RAM and weak processor, it can affect BGMI’s performance leading to lag during matches. The game requires at least 2 GB RAM and a decent processor for smooth gameplay. Using it on incompatible devices will cause frame drops, stutters and lag.

Server Issues

BGMI servers can sometimes face technical problems or become overloaded with traffic resulting in increased ping and latency. Server outages have been known to cause severe lag in BGMI. This issue is usually temporary and gets resolved within a few hours.

Optimization Issues

Even if your device meets the minimum requirements, OS and game optimization issues can still cause lag. Things like background apps, storage clutter, overheating etc. affect overall performance. The 2.8 update may have its own optimization problems causing lag for some users.


The BGMI 2.8 update offers many improvements but some players have faced lag issues after updating. By using optimized config files, adjusting graphics settings, clearing cache, updating the game and OS, and using a stable connection, you can fix lag in the new 2.8 version.

This will help you enjoy smooth and lag-free gameplay. Follow the tips outlined and you will be able to overcome lag problems in the latest BGMI update.

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